October 2024 - Denver, CO - 4th Trimester Circle


October 2024 - Denver, CO - 4th Trimester Circle


Circles meets weekly for 5 weeks: 10/15, 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12  

Time: 10:00am - 11:15

Location: CO Birth and Wellness

Doula: Kaylan Sharp - RN, BSN, CLE, PCD(DONA), Childbirth Educator

Attendees: Moms with babies 0-3 months old

Classes: The circle meets once a week. The postpartum doula holds an interactive space for women to share and learn. Relevant topics are discussed each week-- birth stories, feeding, sleep, emotions, activity time, yoga/movement (handouts included). Between each week the group, doula included, are connected on a text chain to keep in touch to share questions, concerns and items to celebrate, and topics to cover between sessions.

Note: This an informal environment where you can feed, sooth and change your baby.

Visit www.circlemoms.com for more information or contact info@circlemoms.com

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